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May I?

As a Mixed Media artist, I luv combining my years of experience and knowledge of graphic design with the more expressive and personal side of fine art to create art with heart.

Thats why I started my sketchbooks a few years ago. I quickly decided and gave my self the allowance to put in my books, whateva turned me on! They've been a tremendous joy to work on - just for the heck of it.

So, if I want to work fast and furious, I put my big brushes down, step away from the easel and take a seat.

no rules. no series. no pressure.

Just making connections at random, and generating oodles of collages, doodles, type design, and colorful thoughts that I put down on paper.

Now that I've taught myself a thing, or two, I can share some tricks and some know how with you!

May was a busy month because I was instructing a few classes; one workshop series for adults, and one for high school art students. Each 'student' is a unique and gifted individual and I can easily say that I loved seeing what each person crafted.

Janice Sztabnik Events Sketchbooking

So, put your brushes down and pick up a sketchbook. Grab some stencils, stamps, colored pencils, markers, sponges, pencils, pens, glue, or for that matter, whatever you have hanging around.

Janice Sztabnik Events Sketchbooking

Lets set a date for another workshop where you can create simple, portable and dynamic art with immediate results!

May I temp you for a June workshop? Email me for dates.


narrative of the medium

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