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Learning the Art of Sketchbooking & a Basquiat Exhibition

When I began my visual journals, aka sketchbooks, I did not realize that many well known artists had also made a habit out of this practice. In fact, I love being a voyeur into an artists more private thoughts. Where did their ideas come from, how did they develop them, what patterns are noticable within their work, the questions can be endless.

Several years ago, the work of Francis Bacon which hung at MOMA included the display of many of his sketchbooks and visual references. The Brooklyn Library now maintains a collection of the not so famous artists sketchbooks.

I'm posting a few pages from some sketchbooks of mine. There are so many possibilites and purposes served by keeping my precious books - By using scraps of paper, my photos or found images, I've learned to develop concepts, compositions and content for larger work.

Below my images, you will see I've included links for Basquiats upcoming exhibitions which will be at the Brooklyn Museum and at The Art Gallery of Ontario, early Spring 2015.

Try the Sketchbook for yourself - develop your own compelling narrative story!

The full webpage can be viewed here.


narrative of the medium

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